Film, 05’11’’, 2021

From the vast to the microscopic, containers come in many forms. In the myth, people built Babel and eager to reach the sky and achieve the purpose of being above everything else. However, Babel is like a huge obstacle tied by people themselves, and they look out from the same angle but have different vision. People look out at the sun while standing on Babel, and the higher they climb, the farther they get from the ground. "If we're going up, would the sun be rising or falling?"
导演 Director / Scriptwriter | 丁澪 DING LING
制片 Producer | 杜正阳 Zhengyang Du
摄影 Cinematographer | 吴宗轩 Zongxuan Wu
主演 Starring | 罗骞 Federico Luo 丁澪 DING LING
美术 Art Director | 杨书鑫 Shuxin Yang
导演 Director / Scriptwriter | 丁澪 DING LING
制片 Producer | 杜正阳 Zhengyang Du
摄影 Cinematographer | 吴宗轩 Zongxuan Wu
主演 Starring | 罗骞 Federico Luo 丁澪 DING LING
美术 Art Director | 杨书鑫 Shuxin Yang
