Blindness Variation 失明变奏

Curatorial Film Screening,
Gorvy Theatre, Royal College of Art, London,
23-24th May, 2024

"I offer you this cosmic blue, blue, a door to the soul, where endless possibilities will become reality." In his last film "Blue", Derek Jarman gives a curtain call to life with the ultimate audiovisual expression. How to record the vast inner world with images, how to capture on film what cannot be seen or touched? Life may fall, but sound, performance and text become image creations through the digital medium, regenerating the meaning of life. Image is the capture and artistic reflection of life, and the understanding of the meaning of life comes from the immersive experience of life, touching the trembling of blindness and the landscape that is still imprinted in the mind under another way of presentation.

The non-traditional narrative and audiovisual language brought by experimental images are explored in terms of art, aesthetics and philosophy. This screening focuses on the experimental nature of pioneering art films, inviting the audience to rethink the narrative and non-narrative of images in the context of contemporary art; images can reach memories across time, allowing the audience to watch and discuss the relationship between life and death, intimacy and publicity is not a dichotomy in the first place, starting from the emotions of human beings.


导演德里克·贾曼(Derek Jarman)在最后一部电影《蓝》中,以极致的视听表现形式向生命进行谢幕。如何用图像纪录广阔的内心世界,如何将无法看见和触摸的东西拍摄下来?生命也许落幕,而声音、表演与文本通过数字媒介成为影像创作,使生命意义再生。影像是对生活的捕捉与艺术化的反馈,对生命意义的理解源于沉浸的生命体验,在另一种呈现方式之下,触及失明后的颤动与依然印记在脑海中的景观。


<More Information>:

Screening Information 放映信息:

After-Screening Panel Talk 映后记:
