Light Up Faraway Mountain

Performance-Film&Archieve, 40’00’’,  2024

Light Up Faraway Mountain is inspired by the artist's experience of life, death and hope. This project explores futility, absurdity, and uncertainty through research of performance, public installation and art intervention in natural spaces, using experimental film and documentary archives to express the process of attempting, and hopefully passing on to those in the doldrums the hope that is still to be pursued in the depths of despair. It represents the light and hope in the distance, to realise the meaning of life across the difficulties.

The film shows the process of the artist finding a town called Hope, which is located in a valley, and then attempting to bring a solar-powered light installation to the top of the mountain, so that the lights themselves can draw energy during the day and light up at night. If the motivation for many things is very purposeful, the artist hopes to de-emphasise the 'result' and focus on the action process. 

Photo Archives of the ongoing project < Light Up Faraway Mountain>.

Stills of Film, ongoing project < Light Up Faraway Mountain>.

DV recording from the first-person perspective.
