The Fading Spaciousness 

Curatorial Exhibition, 
OXO Bargrhouse Gallery, London,
22-27 March 2023
“Over endless plains, stumbling in cracked earth.”

T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land is a prophetic patchwork of literary, cultural, and religious allusions, united in establishing a landscape of loss. Civilisation is presented as saturated but infertile, inundated in authorities and absolutes, barren of autonomy.

Perhaps we have become unwitting participants in this image, set to traverse an endless no man’s land of pre-trodden earth carved by the undulations of obligation. There is no wild in this wilderness, no space to seek and cultivate for our own. Everything is irrigated by prescribed meanings; nothing is unaccounted for, and the trajectory of our lives have become narrow and predetermined. We duly follow, numbed and confused.

We call for respite. We call for the unrefined, undefined spaces. We put our perspectives into the spaciousness and its disappearing borders, looking at the exploration of personal boundaries, the prying of social rules and the cries of the spiritual world in a unique situation; deepening and expanding the connotation of the spaciousness from the span of time and space, and completing the co-construction from individual experience to group consciousness.

From the perspectives of individual and world, community and society, imagination and memory, landscape and experience, opportunities and challenges, we present the existence and changes of the spaciousness, and consider the reasons for the disappearance of the spaciousness, such as established meanings, obstructed paths, fragmented and overloaded information, and the reasons for their reflection.

We look at the current state of existence, and with a sharp gaze and a unique path of self-construction, we offer new possibilities for the audience to observe and experience the world.

1 Roaming

The spaciousness is not yet gone, it roams around. We are in the spaciousness, showing the state and function of it, the process of self-exploration and the infinite possibilities of our identity, relationships, environment, life and other existence.

2 Disillusionment

The spaciousness has faded, and disillusionment is as instantaneous. We look at the process of the disappearance of the spaciousness, critique and explore the reasons for its disappearance in this era, and show the state of the spaciousness after it has faded.

3 Reshape

If the spaciousness disappears, reshaping empowers. We fight against the disappearance of the spaciousness by trying to break the status quo and reshape it with the power of the dilemma, tearing back the curtain and opening up new perspectives for the search for meaning.
